Amid the Sanatana Dharma remark row sparking a nationwide row, now Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara has questioned the origins of Hinduism, saying who started it is still a question. The state Home Minister’s remarks came while he was addressing an event on the occasion of the Teachers’ Day at Maruti Kalyana Mandapam, Koratagere.
G Parameshwara said, “Many religions have arisen in the history of the world. Jainism and Buddhism were born here. When was Hinduism born and who started it is still a question. Our country has a history of the origin of Buddhism and Jainism. Islam and Christianity came to our country from abroad. The summary of all the religions of the world is to be good for mankind.”
“Our country has a history of the origin of Buddhism and Jainism…Islam and Christianity came to our country from abroad. The summary of all the religions of the world is to be good for one mankind,” the Karnataka home minister said.
Parameshwara’s remarks on Hinduism has come days after Tamil Nadu Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin sparked a massive controversy across the nation with several BJP leaders and Hindu priests strongly criticising his statement.
The BJP has demanded an apology from MK Stalin’s son. Leaders from the saffron party have also blamed the INDIA bloc for Udhayanidhi’s remark, claiming such an agenda was discussed during the recent meeting that was held in Mumbai.
Likening Sanatana Dharma to coronavirus, malaria, and fever caused by dengue virus and mosquitoes, Udhayanidhi said such things should not be opposed but eradicated.
Meanwhile, Udhayanidhi Stalin has maintained that he would repeat his remarks on Sanatana Dharma again and again. “Day before yesterday I spoke at a function about it [Sanatana Dharma]. Whatever I said, I’ll repeat the same thing again and again…I included all the religions and not just Hindus…I spoke condemning the caste differences that’s all,” he said.
(With agency inputs)
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Updated: 06 Sep 2023, 01:12 PM IST
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