Actor Anushka Shetty a popular face in South India with many super hit films to her credit. She shared the screen with many superstars including Prabhas and now, will be seen in Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty, which is ready for release. With the new release, there is some chatter on social media about Anushka’s renumeration for the project. Let us tell you that even though she took a gap between films, her remuneration has not decreased.
Born in Mangalore, Anushka Shetty studied in Bangalore. She made her debut in 2005 with Nagarjuna’s Super. She has given many super hit films. But recently, Anushka has been judicious in her choice of films. Anushka Shetty acted in only two films after the hit Baahubali 2.
After Baahubali 2, she appeared in Bhaagamathie. This movie was released in 2018. After that, Nishabdham was released in 2020. Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty is her first movie in three years.Earlier, he used to get ₹3 crore per film. Now it is reported that they are taking ₹6 crore per film. Fans are surprised to hear this news.
Last year, Anushka completed 16 years in the industry. On the occasion, she took to Instagram to thank all the film teams she had associated with over the years. She also remembered the release of her maiden Telugu film, Super.
In Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty, she is paired opposite Naveen Polishetty. The trailer of Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty released on Monday and stars her as Chef Nandita, an ambitious woman looking for the Mr Perfect, just so she can have a child and is not really hoping to find love or a husband. She means Mr Polishetty, a stand up comedian who wears his heart on his sleeve. The film will be out on September 7.
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