Amid fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani accusing the makers of the recently released web show Made In Heaven 2 for using his designs without crediting him, actor Siddhant Karnick, who starred in the said episode alongside actor Mrunal Thakur, has defended the makers stating that “hurting the designer or not respecting his work was never the intention.”
He tells us, “I can’t really comment on the conversation between them (makers and designers), but I can tell you that when we were shooting, both Mrunal and I as actors, and everyone on the set, was very much aware that these are Tarun Tahiliani’s designs. There was no intention of taking that credit away from him.”
In fact, the actor adds that he was so enamoured with the outfits he wore during the shoot that he even thanked the designer on Instagram. “It’s so funny that just before this controversy came out where Tarun slammed the show and makers, I had put up a post thanking and complimenting his creations and work,” says Karnick.
Asked if all this chaos could have been avoided with just a mention or credit of the actual designer on the show and the actor agrees.
“Absolutely! I think any artiste who contributes anything [in a show], should be given credit for it. That is the definition of collaboration, right? But like I said, am also aware the entire production has been very respectful to every single person who collaborated with the show. So I don’t know how this has happened. Apart from that I don’t know what to say because honestly, that’s not my place to comment,” he explains his stance.
Karnick also feels that it’s the aesthetic of the show that appeals to most of the audience. “A lot of people watched Made in Heaven because of the designer creations. That’s the show’s brand value. We look at how every character is dressed up. So, I understand what every element, every designer, every single person connected to the show, contributed to its success,” he ends.
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