Adil Khan, Rakhi Sawant’s husband, has come out with his side of the story after the actor has accused him of multiple offences leading to his arrest. In a new interview to Bollywood Bubble, Adil has defended himself by detailing his side of the story. (Also Read: Rakhi Sawant’s ex-husband Adil Khan Durrani says she framed him: ‘Mere side ki proper story bolunga’)
“Women like Rakhi are dangerous even to talk to. They can do anything. Our Constitution has been protecting women in a way that even if they scream rape, we’d get arrested,” Adil said in the interview.
Adil on Rakhi’s past marriage
Firstly, Adil has accused Rakhi of lying that she never married Ritesh, her ex-boyfriend. Adil showed documents of her marriage with Ritesh and alleged that she never got divorced from him when she married Adil.
He also claimed that Rakhi was in touch with Ritesh during their marriage and even visited him. While Rakhi had told Adil she was on a UK tour for work, he later saw messages of her to Ritesh that suggested they spent that week together and that she made a mistake by marrying Adil.
On Rakhi abusing him
While Rakhi has mentioned in her FIR that Adil abused her physically, Adil alleged that it’s the other way round. He claimed that when he asked her for a divorce, Rakhi ended up beating him. He also showed a video of bruises all over his body.
On age gap
Before Rakhi revealed she married Adil, she used to tell the media that he’s 7 years older than her. Adil, however, claimed that he’s in fact 27, 19 years younger than her.
On Rakhi blackmailing him
When Adil asked Rakhi to return his stuff so that they can take a break and separate, Rakhi revealed to the world that they were married. They had gotten married in a hush-hush manner months ago because they thought Adil’s parents wouldn’t approve of her.
On the money she owes him
Rakhi accused that without her knowledge, he withdrew more than ₹1.5 crore from the account in June to buy a car, but she did not object as he promised to marry her. Adil revealed that he spent ₹2.8 crore on her, on a flat in Dubai, a BMW car, a diamond engagement ring and necklace, gold items for her birthday, and even her cosmetic surgeries among other expenses.
On falsely accusing and framing him
Adil said that Rakhi accused him of assault, stealing money and jewellery from her flat without her knowledge, performing unnatural sex and harassment for dowry, among other charges. When he was in judicial custody, Rakhi approached his friend and offered her ₹50 lakh to fabricate a rape case against him. When the forensic lab cleared Adil and his friend of no sexual intercourse, Rakhi and a friend accused Adil of criminal intimidation, that further stalled his release.
Adil revealed that he would take counter legal action against Rakhi. “I’ll fight for justice. I won’t spare her. I want justice from the people, the Constitution so that next time, Rakhi doesn’t trap another man like this. Whatever Sherlyn Chopra has said about Rakhi, it’s a fact,” Adil said in the interview.
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