Ranveer Singh, who was last seen in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, had last year talked about how he sometimes writes his own lines for movies and also tweaks them to remember. In his 2022 interview with Anupama Chopra, he had also said that unlike other actors, he doesn’t like taking credit for the dialogues he helps write or improvises. A video from the old interview is going viral, with many on Reddit saying that Ranveer was taking a dig at Kangana Ranaut with his statement. Also Read: Kangana Ranaut says the Queen script was considered the most lame ever
What Ranveer Singh said
“He (Karan Johar) said I will give additional dialogue credit (for Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani). But I was like ‘No no I don’t want that’. It’s our (actors’) responsibility to take something and better it. If you can’t, what are you doing there. So, I don’t want any additional dialogue credit. I know there are some actors who have taken it, but this is not my style,” Ranveer Singh had said.
Reactions to Ranveer’s remark
Sharing a video from the 2022 interview on Reddit recently, a person wrote, “Is he shading Kangu (Kangana)? Or somebody else?” Reacting to it, many commented that he was indeed speaking about Kangana.
One person warned the actor, “Kangana ki bezzati (You insulted Kangana). Rant on Instagram coming for you Ranveer!” Another one said, “Oooh I see the point of this now (laughing emoji). She anyways called him names and bashed him for no reason.” One also wrote, “Now Kangana on Instagram: ‘These mafias have been jealous of how complete as an artist I am. They don’t have the guts to directly call my name because they are afraid of me.”
Others were not so sure if Ranveer was speaking about Kangana. One wrote, “He probably never ever even thinks about Kangana remotely let alone care enough to shade her.” Some also defended Kangana.
One person commented, “Kangana didn’t demand dialogue credit on Queen (2013), she herself said Anurag Kashyap gave it to her as she had improvised a lot and he felt she deserved credit… there’s nothing wrong to get credited for something an actor has done.” A comment also read, “Kangana got additional dialogue credit for Queen and she truly deserved it.”
Kangana’s dialogue writing credit
In 2017, controversy erupted after the poster of Simran released showing Kangana’s name as co-writer. The writer of the film, Apurva Asrani, had then taken to Facebook to raise objection to it and slammed the actor for taking undue credit. Kangana had in return said that it was in fact Apurva, who suggested that she take credit for the dialogues.
She had said at the film’s trailer launch event in 2017, “I want to make it clear that there are no dues pending. Somehow people make it look like Apurva has not be given his credit, that is not true. We made the contract exactly the way he wanted it to be, in fact, Apurva is the one who suggested me to take additional credit for dialogue writing. So we made the contract that way.”
Before that, Kangana co-wrote the dialogues for her 2013 film Queen with dialogue writer Anvita Dutt, who was initially roped in to work solo on the project.
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