Actor Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja turned one on Sunday. On Monday, the couple shared a glimpse of the little one’s first birthday at their home in Delhi. Their family members joined them too as they hosted a puja, followed by a family lunch at home. Also read: Sonam Kapoor, Anil Kapoor share warm birthday wishes for Anand Ahuja
Inside Vayu Kapoor’s first birthday
Sonam took to her Instagram handle and dropped a bunch of photos from the celebration. The family opted for traditional looks while little Vayu was dressed in a turquoise kurta and white pants. The first photo showed Sonam and Anand holding Vayu during the puja at their home.
Anil Kapoor, Sunita Kapoor join too
One photo was a family picture where Sonam’s father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita Kapoor joined Anand’s family members. Sonam also added a candid photo of herself laughing and playing with Vayu on the happy occasion. Sonam looked beautiful in a salwar suit.
Along with these photos, Sonam also took fans inside their home with more pictures from the interiors. From showing a look of their temple at home to the colourful table setting for Vayu’s birthday lunch, the house was fully decked up. Several colourful paper cranes were also seen hanging from the ceiling along with a huge set up of birthday balloons for Vayu.
Sharing all the photos, Sonam wrote, “Our Vayu turned 1 yesterday. We did a lovely puja and lunch with the family. Thank you so much to the universe for giving us our blessing. #everydayphenomenal #vayusparents Special thanks to @ranipinklove for making a beautiful themed puja and lunch .. love you. Also thank you to @kavitasinghinteriors for the beautiful mandir she’s given us.”
Anand Ahuja on Vayu’s birthday
Earlier in the day, Anand Ahuja had put up a post for Vayu. Without showing his son’s face, Anand shared Vayu’s couple of photos and wrote, “Out my face; I ain’t a Rookie! #VayusParents #SophomoreSeason.” Sonam and Anand are yet to reveal the full face of their child.
Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Anand Ahuja got married in 2018 after almost two years of dating. Sonam announced the pregnancy in March last year.
Sonam was last seen in Jio Cinema’s thriller Blind earlier this year.
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